miércoles, 20 de julio de 2011

the best inspiration, the best friend, the best wood piece

I dont know you, but I love the feeling of beign connected.... you know... that moment where everything is a blurr, and there is only one important thing, a thing that we were expecting, that we were looking and we finally know what it is, and how to can get it...

From all the things that I have that makes me focus, that makes me feel connected and prepare to embrace my doubts,the best is a simple, normal, cheap......pencil..

So there you have it, the key to all the doors, the best inspiration, the best confident, which you can find everywhere, doesnt matter if its broke, if the tip is chipped, if its bitten, if it doesnt have an eraser top I assure you, YOU CAN MAKE IT WORK...

It its there to help you get rid of all your ideas that drive you nuts but still you dont want to forgot,
To express all your feelings the ones that make you cry, laugh or want to dance, with a pencil you can live it again.
And to tell all your secrets and still keep them to yourself.

A pencil is a friend, is a tool, is a inspiration, ... is faithful

So go now and buy one, at anyplace, or start remembering where you saw the one that was bitten in the end, with no eraser and was almost without the tip.... JUST GO AND WRITE SOMETHING ...like you used to do..