miércoles, 8 de junio de 2011

why facebook is so dangerous....

If your friend upload any bullshit dont use it
If you tend to mastubated and leave a mess dont use it
If you are "dating a jackass" dont use it
If you have sons or daughters.. Dont use it
If you are racist (which is offensive -.- and totally uncool) dont use it
If you have accidents, dont use it!

If you are working, dont use it!

Social Media, the sad and nasty true

Ok so first was HI5, then MySpace, and now FACEBOOK.

I come from Dominican Republic, which means that Myspace wasnt so popular like in E.U, but Hi5 was another story... Everyoneeee and when I say everyone is everyone wanted that you write them comments on their profile, I found it sooo stupid the fact that I ask a random girl or even a boy, a important question,  somehow they found the way to tell me "write it on Hi5, I will answer you when I get home -.- WHAT THE HELL? where is your cellphone? dont you have a mouth? or even more important, DONT WE HAVE A LIFE?

And then the most annoying thing, was the FIVES they were like "HUNKY", "CUTE", "SEXY", "FASHION", "best friends", "Sisters", ETC... I remember how a friend beg me soo much to give ger a few FIVES, so tired of listen to her nagging, I sign in and look into her profile... she had sooOo many tags, tags that didnt mean ANYTHING, because tell me, do you truly believe that a 90 pounds girl, 4.9 feet, can be called "HUNKY", "HANDSOME" OR "BROTHER"? HELL NOOO, the only one I consider match her was "funny" :P

Then FACEBOOk pop up into our life, and from that day, my best friend start to wake up, brush their teeth, take a bath (if tthe decent ones :P) and while having breakfast they check their notifications, and while they were in the car going to the school, they didnt pay attention to what their parent were talking because they were triying to undestand WHY *randomgirl/boy* write "that" on their wall, then when they finally arrive to school, the first thing they ask (BEFORE THE HW :O) was if you have check out *randomgirl/boy*'s picture :P and of course WE DID IT! :P.

THE MOST RANDOM THING IS how mesmerizing and important people believe that a facebook status is, (EVEN ME :p). I love the phrase  "if is not on facebook it isnt official" BAAM! How bitchy that sounds ? :P
To conclude: the more comments you have, the more cool or popular you seems to be :P But lets hope that one day, life changes and AGAIN, people recognize how valuable your are by your actions and not by the bullshits you made.

Too grumpy? :P I guess this should be classified GRR
I know you dont have to agree with me, so if you want we can debate :P

HUGs and Kisses from Hershey :P
Keep laughing
Estefania Rodriguez